Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mr. Patrick D. Farver

Mr. Farver is the President/CEO of Blissfield MFG. Company. He spoke on the success of becoming a great leader. His company sells products world wide and he says the main barrier is communication. He also spoke on keeping a positive attitude and outlook. If these things are not included into your personality most people would not find doing business with you pleasing and therefore, would not do business with you. He listed traits that he felt were bullet points of becoming a leader which were:
1. Having a passion, almost an obsession, for your career
2. Believe and have faith in your ideas
3. Map out of strategic plan
4. Be energetic- without energy nothing happens
5. Having the power to bond and connect with people of all different backgrounds in order to unite
6. Clarify your values and stick to them
7. Communication determines the quality of life
Farver used many great American leaders and inventors as examples in his speech. One leader was Thomas Edison; using his light bulb creation as an example. Farver explained that it took Edison 9,999 fails before he invented the light bulb. Farver quoted Edison saying, "I did not fail. I simply just discovered ways to not invent the light bulb." This tied in with a topic he was highlighting which was to communicate all experiences as a positive ones. His speech was relevant to me, as a student, in many ways. I am beginning to plan many long term goals for my life. Farver connected to me when he listed the traits of a success which I hope to accomplish. He made connections toward this class when he explained how communication was the most important part of success. Farver's presentation style was the usual speech. He mainly read from a piece of paper throughout the speech and I feel as though his speech was repetitive. In  conclusion, Mr. Farver touched base on many topics making his speech full of information and wisdom.

Boosting Career Skills

Understandable Business Message

1. Face-to-Face Communication
     A. Make sure that receiver is on the same page as you throughout conversation.
     B. Repeat asked questions for clarity.
     C. Maybe have visuals for receiver.
2. Two Way Not Face-to-Face Communication
     A. Source your information for trusting data.
     B. Stay on topic.
     C. Speak slowly and pause occasionally for receiver to communicate back.
     D. It is recommended to script what you are going to say.
3. One Way Not Face-to-Face Communication
     A. Carefully revise before printing and sending.
     B. Let receiver know who to contact if they have any questions or concerns.
     C. Leave all of your information- phone number, email, position, etc.
4. For All Communication Types
     A. Stay on topic and have a thought out plan for your message.
     B. Make a memorable proposition or message.
     C. Make sure to outline previous to presentation or meeting.
     D. Use humor cautiously.

Interviewee: Scott Metcalf
C & M Wire Rope Supply and Co. Owner
Scott Metcalf founded C&M Wire Rope Supply and Company in 1984. He founded his business two years out of high school. C&M  supplies wire rope and almost any construction products to many companies. Scott deals with anywhere from countrywide to small business owners shipping and delivering products daily. Communicating, he says, is the most important part of his business. Networking and communicating is the only way he can build his clientele. He also has to effectively communicate with his employees making sure orders are completed on time and correctly. He advises others to incorporate good communication skills into their everyday life. Do not only use the skills learned from your career in the office. He suggests to expand your skills and put them to use daily.

What is the proper way to address a co-worker?
Depending on the situation, approach your co-worker. Address them in a professional and respectful manner. If nothing is resolved, take the situation to a higher level of management.
How should you properly communicate in the work place?
Always act professional and in accordance with company policy and procedures. “If you do not want any one to know about it, don’t do it.”
How should you dress for work?

Follow the companies dress code and/or regulations of proper attire for job position. The only time an employee can deviate from the dress code is with manager approval.
What are the proper communication channels?
Employees can freely communicate with each other and is highly recommended for cohesion. However, memos and mass emails need to be approved by a manager.
Who do I talk to about questions and concern?

Address the appropriate level of authority based on your level of position.
What should I do if I am dealing with an unsatisfied customer?
The customer is always right. Presume with patience and offer them other options they can choose. If these tactics do not work, inform proper authority to resolve the issue.
How much can I do for a customer?
Anything extra or special offers need to be approved by higher authority.
How should I inform the company about changes in my standing of employment?
If you decide to leave the company, it is necessary for the employee to provide a 2 week notice. This needs to be properly documented, preferably a written statement filed with the employment office.
What opportunities and benefits are available to an employee who is fluent in a foreign language?
The company will take full advantage of your skill set; more than likely providing you the opportunity to conduct business internationally.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Facebook Vs. Google Plus

Differences between Facebook and Google Plus:

        - 6 years old; people are comfortable and familiar with the                 
          - Chatting can be done with only one person
          - Less privacy; you have the option of sharing things with 
          - Friends are able to see your mutual friends and 
             interactions with others
          - Has many games available
          - Allows you to ask questions
          - You can create events and invite friends
          - Businesses find it easy to advertise 
          - Allows you to privately message someone 
          - Can tag friends in posts, videos, and pictures
Google Plus:

          - Google offers email accounts for members- Gmail
          - In beginning stage of launch
          - Mostly ad services
          - Much more options to keep your privacy
          - Circles: Allows you to monitor who you want to share your info. with; even among friends         
            giving more privacy options
          - Hangouts: A feature that supports multiple users to video chat. This can be public or private
          - Sparks: Automatically sends you the lasts/most exciting news about your likes and dislikes  
          - Huddle: This allows you to chat on a mobile device instantly with multiple friends
          - Invitation only 
          - Google owns YouTube so sharing and finding videos is easier

Similarities Between Facebook and Google Plus:
          - Status updates
          - Chatting is available
          - Feature of uploading pictures/videos
          - Sharing your current location 
          - Primarily social network

      Who Is Using Facebook? 
     Victoria Secret is currently using their Facebook page to advertise the new Gorgeous! bra. There
      is a post of the advertisement and a link to "Shop Now". I think this is a great way for VS to
      advertise. Here in Adrian there is not a VS, so I can be updated on what is new.

      Nike is currently using it's Facebook page to offer a limited edition shoe called The 2011 Nike 
      MAG. All the proceeds go to the Michael J. Fox Foundation of Parkinson's Research. 

Who Is Using Google Plus?
Ford Motor Company has used Google Plus to debut it's one and only e-bike. The company 
uploaded a picture and link for viewers to learn more about the creation. The bike is electrical 
and for short distance commuting. 
PC World is using Google Plus to communicate with members. For example, there was an article
posted, "Google Warns 1 Million PCs hit by Search Hijack". This is keeping the public informed
and will hopefully save a few people some dangers.

Works Cited:


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Cultural Differences


1. Talking with hands and exaggerating:  This adds intensity and dramatic effects to a story. It is very common in Spain.

2.  Eye contact: This is a form of flirting or showing interest in someone while in America it is a form of respect and attentiveness.

3. Standing distance: When Spaniards are talking they tend to stand within 1-2 feet away from each other.


1. Crossing legs: It is proper for a man to cross his legs and unfeminine for a women to cross her legs.

2. Machismo: This term refers to macho behavior toward women. It is common and flattering for men to "cat call" and hit-on women.

3. Dining: Even if a women invites a man to dinner, it is expected that he will pay. Chivalry is an important part of the Spanish tradition.

4. Gestures: The "ok" sign that is used in America is offensive if used in Spain.

5. Meeting and Greeting: Men tend to embrace when hugging and women commonly give kisses on the cheek.

6. Punctuality:  It is acceptable and common to be 15-30 minutes late for a meeting.

7. Business: Spaniards want to know you personally and form chemistry before doing business with you. 

Ignorance's of the Spanish culture can affect interpersonal communication in several ways. The culture is very expressive, caring, and closely-knitted. Whereas America's culture is fast pace and less family orientated. When first meeting a Spaniard they might embrace you in a longer hug than we are used to in America. It may feel uncomfortable and awkward, but it is a general Spanish greeting. Also, women could easily be offended by the way men treat them. Here in America we have many laws against sexual harassment. However, in Spain women are flattered and it is usual for men to "harass" them. There are many ways to offend someone from another culture. That is why it is important to be familiar with a culture before visiting another country!

Instant Messaging

Due to our surroundings, cultures, personalities, and everything that makes us who we are, all humans have their own interpretations.  According to Interpreting Instant Messaging: Content and Meaning in Computer-Meditated Communication, instant messaging is an example of the concept above. Instant messaging is a form of nonverbal communication designed for "real-time" communication. It was established in order for an easy way to access conversation without having to be face-to-face. However, there are many ways to interpret text and instant messaging is a prime example of how misunderstanding may take place.

The article defines the options that instant messaging has to offer. Such as, creating a profile based on your interests, a buddy list, and an away message to inform your friends where you are. In my opinion, these options can give someone many facts about you theoretically, but not personally. For example, the article mentioned online dating and how instant messaging was used on many websites for members to communicate. A profile may indicate that someone enjoys fishing, hunting, and gardening. But how does that describe you as a person? These are all things that are easy to claim about yourself, but how is the person on the other line suppose to trust the information without knowing you personally? Communication that is based online takes away the personal level of a relationship. A weakness of online sources and information is that it can not explain someones behaviors or true values.

Depending on what kind of information is being communicated, face-to-face communication or two way not face-to-face, may have different advantages. The text material of this course explains the advantages of face-to-face communication. The advantages stated are instant feedback, nonverbal body language signals, and a personal connection (Lehman Carol, and Defrene D, 2011).  Not only is it easy to misunderstand a simple conversation while instant messaging, but imagine an in-depth topic or conversation. Putting ideas or thoughts into text formation can be extremely difficult.

In conclusion, I would recommend this article to anyone who is interested in learning more about the way instant messaging, as a whole, is used in the communication world. According to the article, "the meaning of a message differs between corespondents" (Jacobson, 2007). Instant messaging leaves a lot of room for interpretation errors. As previously stated, text is one of the most difficult things to interpret. There is no feeling behind what is being said and without knowing the emotions of the text the receivers has no choice but to determine the emotions for themselves. With that being said, instant messaging has a huge weakness. A strength however, is how quickly communication can take place. This article has helped break down the advantages and disadvantages of instant messaging which I feel also stands for email and text messaging.

Work Cited:
Lehman Carol, M, & Defrene D, D (2011). 16 ed. Cengage Learning.

Jacobson David. (2007). Interpreting Instant Messaging: Context and Meaning in Computer-Mediated Communication. Journal of Anthropological Research, 29-63.