Sunday, September 11, 2011

Cultural Differences


1. Talking with hands and exaggerating:  This adds intensity and dramatic effects to a story. It is very common in Spain.

2.  Eye contact: This is a form of flirting or showing interest in someone while in America it is a form of respect and attentiveness.

3. Standing distance: When Spaniards are talking they tend to stand within 1-2 feet away from each other.


1. Crossing legs: It is proper for a man to cross his legs and unfeminine for a women to cross her legs.

2. Machismo: This term refers to macho behavior toward women. It is common and flattering for men to "cat call" and hit-on women.

3. Dining: Even if a women invites a man to dinner, it is expected that he will pay. Chivalry is an important part of the Spanish tradition.

4. Gestures: The "ok" sign that is used in America is offensive if used in Spain.

5. Meeting and Greeting: Men tend to embrace when hugging and women commonly give kisses on the cheek.

6. Punctuality:  It is acceptable and common to be 15-30 minutes late for a meeting.

7. Business: Spaniards want to know you personally and form chemistry before doing business with you. 

Ignorance's of the Spanish culture can affect interpersonal communication in several ways. The culture is very expressive, caring, and closely-knitted. Whereas America's culture is fast pace and less family orientated. When first meeting a Spaniard they might embrace you in a longer hug than we are used to in America. It may feel uncomfortable and awkward, but it is a general Spanish greeting. Also, women could easily be offended by the way men treat them. Here in America we have many laws against sexual harassment. However, in Spain women are flattered and it is usual for men to "harass" them. There are many ways to offend someone from another culture. That is why it is important to be familiar with a culture before visiting another country!

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